
Monthly Archives: July 2020

What’s in the Box Guessing Game

Here’s how to join:- 1) Follow us on our Facebook page @ GeneralCargoExpressLtd 2) Contestants must like our FB page & share this event to join the online guessing game, failure to do so will disqualify the participant from joining the game. 3) All contestants must guess three (3) “COMMON” items/goods PACKED inside a Gen-Ex […]

Agents of Success

Gen-Ex Cargo is a company that is dedicated to providing the best service in the international door-to-door freight business. The efficient transport system and exemplary customer service of Gen-Ex have made them a reliable deliverer of balikbayan boxes for the past sixteen years.   When one visits the Gen-Ex website, the first image that is […]

Customer Empowerment at Gen-Ex

At Gen-Ex we have long realized that online self-service for customer support is far less expensive than telephone-based service. We cut costs dramatically on both sides by having customers go online themselves rather than visit an office or call a contact center to follow up the delivery status of their cargo. Our customer service portals […]

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